OncoRNALab @ ANR meeting 2023
Six lab members attend the ANR meeting in Amsterdam

Six lab members of the OncoRNALab attended the Advances in Neuroblastoma Research meeting in Amsterdam this year. Louis Delhaye, Hanne Van Droogenbroeck, and Jill Deleu each had the opportunity to present their posters titled The adrenergic-specific long non-coding RNA NESPR controls survival of neuroblastoma cells, ‘Exploration of neuroblastoma xenograft models for the analysis of tumoral cell-free RNA in murine blood plasma’, ‘Longitudinal evaluation of serum microRNAs as biomarkers for neuroblastoma burden and therapeutic p53 reactivation’, and ‘Whole transcriptome profiling of liquid biopsies from tumor xenografted mouse models enables specific monitoring of tumor-derived extracellular RNA’, respectively.