The lab of Prof. Jo Vandesompele and Prof. Pieter Mestdagh at Ghent University
The OncoRNALab is supervised by Prof. Jo Vandesompele and Prof. Pieter Mestdagh at Ghent University,
Department of Biomolecular Medicine,
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. It is part of the
Center for Medical Genetics and the
Cancer Research Institute Ghent.
The lab’s research aims to exploit RNA for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. The various research lines converge on studying the role of non-coding RNA in cancer and on the utility of extracellular RNA in liquid biopsies. Through a combination of high-throughput (functional) genomics technologies and bio-informatics tools, we seek to answer various fundamental and translational research questions.
circular RNAs in cancer
controlling pre-analytical variables of RNA sequencing in blood-based precision medicine
tool to determine the relative circular and linear abundance of transcripts
tool for primer design for circRNAs
digital PCR data-analysis tools developed by the Ghent University Digital PCR Consortium
crowdsourcing knowledgebase with experimental parameters of public extracellular vesicles (EV) studies
antisense oligonucleotide design for long non-coding RNAs
a comprehensive compendium of human long non-coding RNAs
easy-to-use online database that keeps track of all historical and current miRNA annotation present in the miRBase database
microRNA target prediction
state-of-the-art PCR assay design for quantitative and digital PCR, targeted resequencing, double-mismatch allele specific PCR (DMAS), and 4C
public database for sharing of quantitative and digital PCR using the RDML data exchange format
visualization and analysis method to evaluate human transcription start sites in relation to publicly available CAGE-sequencing, ChIP-sequencing and DNase-sequencing datasets