Congratulations to Dr. Dewaele!

Lab member Shanna obtained her PhD degree

Shanna successfully defended her PhD entitled ‘Unraveling the therapeutic potential of SAMMSON lncRNA inhibition in uveal melanoma’ on January 11th, supervised by Prof. Mestdagh and Prof. Vandesompele. Congratulations Dr. Dewaele! Her doctoral thesis is available here. Shanna has now started working as a scientist at Biogazelle.

Shanna Dewaele
Shanna Dewaele
Doctoral Fellow (09/2016-12/2021)

PhD student working on lncRNAs in cancer

Pieter Mestdagh
Pieter Mestdagh

Studying non-coding RNAs in cancer.

Jo Vandesompele
Jo Vandesompele

RNA addict trying to connect all the dots