Best of Luck Philippe!
Doctoral fellow Philippe will go abroad for a research stay at the Deutsches Krebsforzungscenter (DKFZ) in Heidelberg, Germany

“During the winter months, I will go abroad for a research stay at the Deutsches Krebsforzungscenter (DKFZ) in Heidelberg, Germany. The host lab is the Division of Cancer Genome Research and is headed by Prof. Dr. Holger Sültmann. The interface our labs is the study of liquid biopsy molecules in cancer patients. Both research groups focus on the analysis of circulating nucleic acids to detect malignancies and to monitor tumor therapy in a minimally invasive approach, with the long-term objective to translate cell-free markers into the clinical setting. The OncoRNALab focuses mainly on cfRNA, while the DKFZ has a broad expertise in cfDNA and cell- free methylation patterns. As our preliminary results show exciting promise for cfRNA as liquid biopsy molecules in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), reflecting functional changes during disease course and treatment of both the tumor and the non-malignant compartment, the goal of my research stay is to compare cfRNA with cfDNA and methylation patterns on matched plasma samples in a multi-omics approach. Moreover, this stay may initiate new collaborations for future liquid biopsy research. A special thanks to the OncoRNALab for this amazing opportunity and to the Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (FWO) for funding!”