PhD fellow Elena Ramos gets second place in Promega's Rising Researchers Award

Promega Rising Researchers Award

PhD fellow Elena Ramos has participated in the Rising Researchers Award by Promega and got the second place!

As a finalist, Elena had to create a video summarizing her PhD project in 3 minutes. Do not miss the chance to watch the video!

As a second prize winner, she will get 1000 Euro in free Promega products, plus the loan of a Maxwell Instrument or Glomax Luminometer for 2 weeks free of charge.

Elena Ramos Varas
Elena Ramos Varas
Doctoral Fellow
Pieter Mestdagh
Pieter Mestdagh

Studying non-coding RNAs in cancer.

Jo Vandesompele
Jo Vandesompele

RNA addict trying to connect all the dots