
The lab of Prof. Jo Vandesompele and Prof. Pieter Mestdagh at Ghent University

The OncoRNALab is supervised by Prof. Jo Vandesompele and Prof. Pieter Mestdagh at Ghent University, Department of Biomolecular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. It is part of the Center for Medical Genetics and the Cancer Research Institute Ghent.
The lab’s research aims to exploit RNA for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. The various research lines converge on studying the role of non-coding RNA in cancer and on the utility of extracellular RNA in liquid biopsies. Through a combination of high-throughput (functional) genomics technologies and bio-informatics tools, we seek to answer various fundamental and translational research questions.


Stabilizing RNA in dried blood microsamples

Collaboration with Neoteryx and GenTegra

OncoRNALab @ OncoPoint 2024

Presenting advances at OncoPoint 2024

The journey of spatial transcriptomics

Unlocking the mysteries of tumor tissue architecture

Congratulations to Dr. Morlion

Lab member Annelien obtained her PhD degree




circular RNAs in cancer


controlling pre-analytical variables of RNA sequencing in blood-based precision medicine


tool to determine the relative circular and linear abundance of transcripts


tool for primer design for circRNAs

digital PCR

digital PCR data-analysis tools developed by the Ghent University Digital PCR Consortium


crowdsourcing knowledgebase with experimental parameters of public extracellular vesicles (EV) studies


antisense oligonucleotide design for long non-coding RNAs


a comprehensive compendium of human long non-coding RNAs

miRBase Tracker

easy-to-use online database that keeps track of all historical and current miRNA annotation present in the miRBase database


microRNA target prediction


state-of-the-art PCR assay design for quantitative and digital PCR, targeted resequencing, double-mismatch allele specific PCR (DMAS), and 4C

RDML database

public database for sharing of quantitative and digital PCR using the RDML data exchange format


visualization and analysis method to evaluate human transcription start sites in relation to publicly available CAGE-sequencing, ChIP-sequencing and DNase-sequencing datasets

The Lab

Principal Investigators


Jo Vandesompele


Non-coding RNA, Extracellular RNA, Liquid biopsies, Pan-cancer, Method development


Pieter Mestdagh


Non-coding RNA, Cancer, Extracellular RNA, Liquid biopsies, Bioinformatics, Immune oncology

PostDoctoral Fellows


Anneleen Decock

PostDoctoral Fellow

Cancer, Extracellular RNA, Liquid biopsies, Pediatric tumors, Cancer diagnostics, detection and prognosis


Annelien Morlion

PostDoctoral Fellow

Bioinformatics, Liquid biopsies, RNA, Cancer


Bram De Wilde

PostDoctoral Fellow

Cancer, Non-coding RNA


Eric J. de Bony

PostDoctoral Fellow

Non-coding RNA, Cancer, Bioinformatics


Louis Delhaye

PostDoctoral Fellow

Cancer, Non-coding RNA, RNA-protein interactions, Antisense technology, Neuroblastoma


Tom Van Maerken

PostDoctoral Fellow

Cancer, Non-coding RNA


Wim Trypsteen

PostDoctoral Fellow

Cancer, Non-coding RNA

Doctoral Fellows


Elena Ramos Varas

Doctoral Fellow

Bioinformatics, RNA, Cancer


Franco Poma Soto

Doctoral Fellow

Spatial -omics, Single-cell sequencing, Cancer


Hanne Van Droogenbroeck

Doctoral Fellow

Cancer, Non-coding RNA, Extracellular RNA, Liquid biopsies, Pediatric tumors, Spatial transcriptomics


Philippe Decruyenaere

Doctoral Fellow

Lymphoma, exRNA, Non-coding RNA, Liquid Biopsies


Ramiro Martinez

Doctoral Fellow

Cancer, Non-coding RNA, Melanoma, Lung cancer, High-throughput screening, CRISPR-Cas, Tumor immunology and immunotherapy, Immune checkpoint inhibitors


Scott Ailliet

Doctoral Fellow

Cancer, Bioinformatics, Genetics, Lab-test, Singlet oxygen photo-electrochemical detection


Thijs Van der Snickt

Doctoral Fellow

Photo-electrochemistry, Singlet oxygen, Cancer biomarkers, Nucleic acids, Diagnostics


Xin Wang

Doctoral Fellow

Cancer, Non-coding RNA, lncRNAs, CRISPRi



Eveline Vanden Eynde

Lab Technician


Jasper Anckaert



Justine Nuytens

Lab Technician


Kimberly Verniers

Lab Technician


Nurten Yigit

Lab Technician


Alan Van Goethem

Doctoral Fellow (08/2012-03/2017)

Ali Rihani

(Post)Doctoral Fellow (09/2008-12/2014)

Anthony Van Driessche

Lab Technician (08/2010-01/2012)

Celine Everaert

Doctoral Fellow (06/2015-12/2019)

Dries Rombaut

Doctoral Fellow (08/2012-03/2019)

Duncan Ayers

Visiting Doctoral Fellow (9/2009-7/2011)

Eva Hulstaert

Doctoral Fellow (10/2017-09/2021)

Evi Michels

Doctoral Fellow (01/2004-12/2007)

Fien Gysens

Doctoral Fellow (02/2019-02/2023)

Filip Pattyn

(Post)Doctoral fellow (07/2000-08/2012)

Fiori Zeka

Doctoral Fellow (11/2010-10/2015)

Francisco Avila Cobos

PostDoctoral Fellow (10/2014-02/2022)

Gaëlle Van Severen

Lab Technician (06/2010-03/2011)

Gert Van Peer

Doctoral Fellow (10/2009-09/2014)

Hetty Helsmoortel

PostDoctoral Fellow (07/2016-02/2020)

Jasmien Hoebeeck

(Post)Doctoral Fellow (01/2002-09/2010)

Jasper Verwilt

Doctoral Fellow (2019-2024)

Jilke De Wilde

Doctoral Fellow (10/2018-10/2022)

Jill Deleu

Doctoral Fellow (2019-2024)

Jocelyn De Wever

Doctoral Fellow (07/2016-09/2020)

Joëlle Vermeulen

Doctoral Fellow (11/2005-12/2009)

Johanna Bult

Doctoral Fellow (2023)

Karen Verboom

Doctoral Fellow (10/2015-09/2019)

Kathleen Schoofs

Doctoral Fellow (2019-2023)

Katrien Vanderheyden

Lab Technician

Liesbeth Vercruysse

Lab Technician

Lucia Lorenzi

Doctoral Fellow (09/2016-02/2021)

Marieke Vromman

Doctoral Fellow (04/2019-07/2023)

Maté Ongenaert

PostDoctoral Fellow (10/2010-09/2013)

Pieter-Jan Volders

PostDoctoral Fellow (07/2011-02/2022)

Ruben Van Paemel

Doctoral Fellow (10/2017-09/2021)

Sander Anseeuw

Lab Technician

Shanna Dewaele

Doctoral Fellow (09/2016-12/2021)

Stefaan Derveaux

PostDoctoral Fellow (2009-2011)

Steve Lefever

PostDoctoral Fellow (01/2008-09/2020)

Thibaut D'huyvetter

Lab Technician (08/2016-10/2017)

Tiago Franca Brazão

PostDoctoral Fellow (06/2017-05/2018)

Willem van Snippenberg

Doctoral Fellow (2019-2024)

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